Identity Theft: a Growing Threat to Seniors in Seattle

Are you the victim of identity theft? Contact our law firm to explore your options for legal recourse.

As online scams, identity theft, and data breaches continue to threaten individuals, understanding your legal rights has never been more important. Our consumer protection attorneys can help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Schedule a consultation today .

In the digital world, our online identities are every bit as connected to our financial data as our real-world identities — if not more. Barring cash and other physical assets, all of our financial information exists somewhere online, even if only in a highly secured database.

For younger individuals, this knowledge is common sense and holds little value or threat. However, the digitization of our financial data does present certain challenges to seniors, particularly older individuals who have limited experience in navigating the digital marketplace and can’t easily spot an online scam.

Increasingly, this demographic of seniors is targeted for scams of all varieties, including identity theft. Unless they quickly catch, address, and rectify the attack, the victims of identity theft can quickly find their life savings drained and gone forever. Fortunately, a consumer protection attorney from By Design Law may be able to help them pursue compensation.

This article will explore the growing threat of identity theft to seniors in Seattle, including the growing scope of the issue, common tactics used by scammers, victims’ options for legal recourse, and how an experienced consumer advocate can help.

Has identity theft left you in financial trouble? Is your credit history irreversibly damaged? Before you give up hope, find out how a consumer protection lawyer can help.
Contact By Design Law online to set up a meeting.

Recognizing the Scope of the Problem

Identity theft is “the fraudulent use of your identity to get cash, credit, or merchandise,” and it represents a fast-growing problem in Washington State, according to the Office of the Attorney General . Not only is identity theft on the rise, but seniors are the prime target.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports that individuals over 60 are much more likely to be the victims of identity theft than their younger counterparts. Although not always, many seniors are vulnerable to identity theft for the following reasons:

  • They are less familiar with technology and don’t know the warning signs of online scams, making them more susceptible to phishing attempts.

  • As a demographic, seniors are typically more isolated than younger individuals and more likely to engage in unsolicited communications.

  • Seniors are more likely to have savings, retirement funds, and other valuable assets than younger people.

For these reasons and more, seniors are often ideal candidates for identity theft. When attempting identity theft, scammers will use a variety of tactics, including the following:

  • Phishing scams. These scams typically involve fraudulent text messages or emails that purportedly come from a legitimate source, such as a financial institution or government agency. They may contain links to fake websites that are designed to steal login credentials or financial information.

  • Telemarketing fraud. Seniors may be especially vulnerable to telemarketing fraud, especially when scammers pose as specialized personnel, such as tech support agents, charity representatives, or IRS personnel. They may choose to use urgency and fear to get financial information, or they may play the role of a caring, invested listener — whichever works best.

  • Mail theft. Some identity thieves steal seniors’ mail in an attempt to glean useful, sensitive information. Bank statements, medical bills, and even credit card offers may prove useful to a scammer attempting to co-opt an identity.

  • Data breaches. When hackers succeed in causing a large data breach, they often sell the stolen personal information on the dark web. Scammers then buy this sensitive information and use it to commit identity theft.

Keep in mind that these are just a few examples of how scammers steal seniors’ identities. With increasingly unscrupulous and creative methods, identity thieves are always finding new ways to obtain financial information, especially from seniors.

Pursuing Legal Recourse with a Consumer Protection Attorney

When senior victims of identity theft partner with a Seattle consumer protection lawyer, their attorney will provide numerous key services during their pursuit of justice. Here are a few of the most important tasks a legal professional can undertake:

  • Case evaluation and strategic planning. The first thing your attorney will do is a comprehensive, detailed evaluation of your case, exploring the extent of the theft, identifying types of information stolen, and determining the financial impact. Based on their findings, they will begin crafting a customized strategy to stop your losses and secure compensation.

  • Filing complaints and reports. Depending on the nature of your case, your attorney may want to file complaints and reports with various organizations, including the Federal Trade Commission, local law enforcement, and other regulatory agencies.

  • Negotiating with financial institutions. To minimize the negative impact of your identity theft, your attorney will likely negotiate with financial institutions on your behalf, disputing unauthorized transactions and requesting account freezes or fraud alerts.

  • Credit repair. Your attorney may also be able to assist in correcting your credit reports and dispute fraudulent entries, as well as help you enroll in credit monitoring services that detect fraudulent activity.

  • Litigation and legal representation. If the person who stole your identity is identified, your attorney can file a civil lawsuit against them to seek compensation for your financial losses, as well as for certain non-economic losses, such as emotional distress.

Additionally, your attorney can help you devise preventative strategies that safeguard you from future scams. They can even advise you on the better ways to hold your finances, such as in certain types of accounts and trusts.

By Design Law: Consumer Protection Attorneys Serving Seattle

If you or a loved one has been the victim of identity theft, you may be facing tremendous losses that go beyond financial damages. By partnering with a consumer protection lawyer in Seattle, you give yourself the best chance of not only recouping your losses but also preventing the scammer from harming others. Ready to get started? It’s as simple as contacting us online to schedule an initial consultation .


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